No way do I have a 1 month old! Its not possible! I cant believe how quickly the time is going by!
Friday July 25, 2014
Today you are 4 weeks old and Im not going to lie, mommy is pretty tired! You have been a good baby but a
hungry one and so you wake up a lot at night to eat. In between eating I wake
up a lot to your little grunts, snorts and whimpers. You even make a noise that
sounds like a little goat, its cute. Daddy is so in love with you, and always
talks about how cute and precious you are. He loves to kiss you all over and
especially loves when you stare at him really close with your bobbly little
head and big eyes. It really is cute and makes us laugh. You still don’t like
your baths, but daddy has been so good at giving them to you. You scream your
head off while your being washed but as soon as your snuggled in a towel you calm
right down. We hope you will start
to like your baths soon, because right now they are pretty traumatic. Today you
had your first blowout.. yay! haha It was messy! You didn’t seem
to mind that your diaper exploded all up your back and actually seemed quite
content after going to the bathroom . We love you so much Mae! You are sleeping right now and I am about to go wake
you up to change your diaper and feed you. Love you sweet baby girl! You are so beautiful and make us so
happy. Today I was realizing when I put you down for a nap how I started to
miss you haha. I feel myself get more attached to you every day. It’s a great feeling.
You are definitely loved.