Tuesday, October 28, 2014

4 months old!

Our baby girl is 4 months old! She is changing so quickly and gets more fun every day! :) she has finally started to laugh a little and it is the cutest thing in the world! seriously though, there are not many sounds that are better than her cute little giggle. 

Some of my favorite things about this stage:
-She is starting to discover her hands and grab onto and hold anything in her reach. she has such a strong little grip!
-She loves to stand up with our help of course and its hard to get her to bend her legs sometimes
-Right before she sneezes she does this cute little yell like "ahhhhhhh" then sneezes, i love it!!
-She is spitting up a lot less while eating and nursing is getting so much easier, yay!!!
-She sleeps great at nights, thank goodness. :)
-She is very ticklish!
-She is loving her baths lately and is getting the hang of splashing which is so fun to watch her do
-We are getting better at doing tummy time and she actually seems to not mind it at first as long as she can keep her head from smashing into the ground
-Mae is so smiley and pretty much gives us a big smile every time we look at her
-Getting her out of bed is so fun because she is such a happy little baby when she wakes up!
-She is such a sweet little girl and we LOVE HER SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Baby Mae- Aug 19th

11am- You are such a sweet baby & me and your dad are so grateful to be your parents! you bring such a sweet spirit into our home and we love it! We love you so much and every day i swear i love you more!  When you are in pain and crying it just breaks my heart and I can already tell this whole motherhood thing is going to be a roller coaster of emotions, in a good way. In a wanting you to always be safe, healthy and happy sort of way...

9 hours later... (It seems that every time I start a blog post about how great things are going and how happy Mae has been, the rest of the day goes quite differently...)

Today has been a busy day. Busy meaning you constantly wanted to be held and rocked & You have not been very happy :/ I think you have a tummy ache or reflux or something because every time you eat your fussy after for a loooong time, and sometimes cry. and you just seem sad. :( You finally fell asleep and are in your crib, I hope you sleep for longer than 40 minutes and maybe this can even be your bedtime for the night! :) I like that idea. I am tired. and I have a headache. But it sure is amazing how quickly I forget about how tiring some days are as soon as you smile and are happy. It immediately makes me feel like the "hard" days really aren't too hard.

We love you Mae! Please sleep soundly and wake up a happy happy girl! :)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

1 month old

No way do I have a 1 month old! Its not possible! I cant believe how quickly the time is going by! 

Friday July 25, 2014

Today you are 4 weeks old and Im not going to lie, mommy is pretty tired! You have been a good baby but a hungry one and so you wake up a lot at night to eat. In between eating I wake up a lot to your little grunts, snorts and whimpers. You even make a noise that sounds like a little goat, its cute. Daddy is so in love with you, and always talks about how cute and precious you are. He loves to kiss you all over and especially loves when you stare at him really close with your bobbly little head and big eyes. It really is cute and makes us laugh. You still don’t like your baths, but daddy has been so good at giving them to you. You scream your head off while your being washed but as soon as your snuggled in a towel you calm right down.  We hope you will start to like your baths soon, because right now they are pretty traumatic. Today you had your first blowout.. yay! haha It was messy! You didn’t seem to mind that your diaper exploded all up your back and actually seemed quite content after going to the bathroom We love you so much Mae! You are sleeping right now and I am about to go wake you up to change your diaper and feed you. Love you sweet baby girl! You are so beautiful and make us so happy. Today I was realizing when I put you down for a nap how I started to miss you haha. I feel myself get more attached to you every day. It’s a great feeling. You are definitely loved. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mae Amara Bringhurst

Our baby girl is finally here! :) 
Mae Amara Bringhurst
Born June 27, 2014
8:30 pm
6 lbs
19 inches

Today she is 3 weeks old,  she came 2 weeks early on her dads birthday! which was a great surprise! Honestly the whole situation has felt pretty surreal and I have to remind myself daily that i'm a mom now, & that I have a daughter, she is our baby :) We love her so much and fall more in love every day:) 

We love her tiny little body, her cute little feet, her blonde hair and tiny fingers, the way she smells (when she is clean :). She is just so small and sweet and we love cuddling with her as much as we can!!

She is a good baby but when she is hungry, she definitely lets us know and she is ready to eat now. not in a few minutes. and isn't particularly fond of her diaper changes, unless a warm heater is blowing on her. Cant blame her though those diaper wipes are freezing! She loves to cuddle and falls asleep no problem when mom or dad are holding her, and especially loves tummy time with daddy. She doesnt really know what to think about her binkies yet and most of the time she decides she doesn't like them. She likes to listen to white noise when she is sleeping and loves to be swaddled up tight. She smiles all the time, but usually when she is eating or right after she is eating. 

We love you so much Mae and are so happy you are a part of our family! We are so lucky we get to be your parents and cant wait for all of the fun we are going to have!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Here comes baby... only 8 more weeks!

I have been meaning to write down my thoughts for a while about this pregnancy... I am now 32 weeks along and feel like the last 7 months have flown by! Everyone usually says their pregnancies last FOREVER! I dont feel that way... yet anyways... I think I have been very lucky in that I have had a great pregnancy and have hardly felt sick at all! I have been able to keep up with my daily routine and have even been able to continue exercising on most days! I just get more tired a lot quicker than usual but am still able to get in a great 30-45 minute workout in when I go to the gym:)

Overall I have really enjoyed being pregnant, and since entering into the 3rd trimester I think I have been able to enjoy it even more because honestly one of my greatest fears in the 1st and 2nd trimester was just not knowing and not having control over my changing body. And although there is still some fear there, now that I am further along and have managed to pretty much continue to feel like myself it has helped me to relax and enjoy the changes that come:)

We only have 8 more weeks to go! 8 MORE WEEKS!!!! I can hardly believe it. and quite honestly I feel SO not ready! Dont get me wrong I am SO excited to see our sweet little girl, see what she looks like, hold her and watch her daddy hold and kiss her :) (He is going to be the best dad ever and so cute with her I know it!) But I am still terrified. How am I ever suppose to prepare myself to all the sudden one day be a mom. I feel pretty dang clueless and I am nervous about having someone that depends on me 24 hours a day. Everyone reassures me that things will just click and I will know what to do... but... I'm still not so sure. But whether or not we're ready, I know this little one is on her way! she is growing everyday and is getting stronger and more active! She is going to come so soon and I pray that I can be the best mom to her that I am capable of :)

28 weeks and 31 weeks!

Sometimes I feel like my belly isnt really chaining so it is fun to see that it really did get bigger in these 3 weeks! 

How Far Along?: 31 weeks

Weight Gain: Im not sure.. Im guessing like 15-17?? I will know for sure in a few days at my apt!

Symptoms: I have been getting some heartburn, which I never have really had before. Leg cramps :/ and I have all the sudden been starting to feel more tired again lately.

Movement: Oh Yes! I can tell she is getting a lot bigger and stronger. There is always movement going on and I can feel it from all sides and angles at the same time! it really is a cool feeling. lately she has been liking to rest her hands or feet or elbows, I dont really know what, under my ribs which is not the comfiest.. but I still think its kinda cute :) I probably wont start thinking that soon though because I am starting to get sore ribs :/

Food Cravings: swedish fish and rootbeer. But still nothing extreme. those 2 things have just been sounding so yummy to me the last few weeks

Food Aversions: none

Sleep: not so great but every now and then I sleep awesome! I have to have my body pillow and lots of cushion underneath!

Stretch Marks: nope

Miss Anything?: being able to bend over comfortably, and RUNNING! I have accepted that I cannot run comfortably anymore. Way too uncomfortable

Looking Forward to?: Our 34 week ultrasound!!

Belly Button in or out?: mostly in, but a tiny bit out

Happy or Moody most of the time?: Happy!

New baby items?: Lots of new fun stuff thanks to my baby shower and my awesome family and friends! :)

Exercise: This has been going well. Normal routine, 20-30 min elliptical, and 20ish minutes of weights. and then I have no energy left.

Womens conference May 2014

Another great year of womens conference has come and gone! It was so much fun spending this weekend with my sisters, sister in laws, mom and mother in law! It is a weekend filled with classes, shopping, eating yummy food, staying up way to late and waking up too early, concert, lots of pictures... and It went by way too fast and I already can't wait until next year! :) 

This was the night we went to the concert, it was so good! There were some really amazing singers and touching stories and guests that they brought in... I am so grateful for power of music and the good feelings that it can bring into our lives 

Just getting ready for our next class to start! 

Baby Shower!

What a fun weekend and day this was! I am so grateful for everyone who came and for all the hard work that everyone put into this baby shower!! Thank you everyone!

 We got a lot of cute clothes and other fun gifts :) 

My beautiful sisters and mamma!

I am so lucky to have such an amazing mother and mother in law! 

 Me and Bree!:)

Me and Brooke, Thanks for all your hard work that went into planning:)

So grateful for the pack n play and BOB stroller from my parents! They sure do love us, and our baby girl:) 
I cant wait to get back into running! and take my new little running buddy with me! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

25 weeks! :)

(crappy pic, but its all I have for 25 weeks)

How Far Along?: 25 weeks and 5 days, so nearly 26

Weight Gain: I dont know, I dont really weight myself. Probably like 12lbs?

Symptoms: All the sudden this week I have felt sooo tired again! I hope its just temporary and the 3rd trimester tiredness isn't already hitting me... 

Movement: So much! I love it and I can def tell she is getting stronger. She moves all day long!

Food Cravings: Nope

Food Aversions: umm not really, nothing that I didnt like before I was pregnant.

Sleep: Still not the greatest. Lately since I have felt so tired though that does help me to sleep a little better. But I still wake up and toss and turn a lot to fix my millions of pillows that I surround myself with. Sorry Braydon.

Stretch Marks: Nope!

Miss Anything?: I miss being able to bend over and have it not hurt and cut off my breathing. Im not even that big yet and its already a challenge!

Looking Forward to?: The Baby Shower!!!

Belly Button in or out?: in

Happy or Moody most of the time?: I feel happy! When I am really tired and hungry though.... that might be a little different story. but isn't that always the case?

New baby items?: not since last update

Exercise: Well this week so far has been bad. I have just been SO tired:/ but today I did the elliptical for 20 minutes and then I was pooped. at least I did something? The last 4 weeks though I have tried to work out at least 3-4 times a week, 30 minutes of cardio and then weights. I lift lighter and just do more reps. It makes me feel so much better!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

23 week update!

How Far Along?: 23 weeks

Weight Gain: Just had a check up and they said 10lb!

Symptoms: nothing crazy, just a growing belly! :) some pain when I run sometimes...

Movement: Yes! my favorite is when I can feel her moving in multiple spots at once!

Food Cravings: Not really... although ice cream has been sounding really good lately, but thats not really anything out of the ordinary!

Food Aversions: nope!

Sleep: not that great, but I really cant complain! Braydon hates all the pillows i sleep with but its hard to  sleep on my side and stay there unless I surround myself with pillows:)

Stretch Marks: no, hopefully it stays that way

Miss Anything?: sleeping on my back...

Looking Forward to?: warm weather, school to be out!

Belly Button in or out?: still in

Happy or Moody most of the time?: I am happy!:)

New baby items?: yes! but still not too many, just a few more clothes...

Exercise: I have been doing better with exercise lately and it has made a HUGE difference in the way I feel!! I don't look any different really but I can just feel a big difference in myself. I feel so much more comfortable in my changing pregnant body when I exercise regularly and do the things I was doing before (Just modified of course!)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 21 update!

How Far Along?: 21 weeks and 3 days!:)

Weight Gain: not exactly sure... probably 8-9 lbs

Symptoms: I am starting to get pain in my left lower back/hip like shooting pain down my leg.. hope that doesn't last! And when I run or walk fast I get round ligament pain in my front right :/ Mostly when I try to walk or job downhill.

Movement: Yes I feel her move every day! And Braydon even felt her move once too! I can feel her from the inside and out! :) its so cool!

Food Cravings: Honey nut chex!

Food Aversions: not really

Sleep: depends on the night

Stretch Marks: nope!

Miss Anything?: my pants fitting :(

Looking Forward to?: More movement! and spring!

Belly Button in or out?: in but it looks kinda weird already. its like a straight horizontal line.

Happy or Moody most of the time?: Happy!

New baby items?: Finally yes! I bought some clothes:)

Exercise: I have been horrible lately... tomorrow I will! ;)

18 weeks pregnancy update :)

How Far Along?: 18 weeks 2 days!

Weight Gain: I don't know exactly but I think around 6-7 lbs

Symptoms: I have been SOOO lucky through my pregnancy and haven't really delt with anything too crazy. I get headaches quite a lot lately, but I feel like I have more energy than I did a month ago!

Movement: YES! this is my favorite! I have felt her kick tiny little kicks for the last week & tonight (I swear Im not making this up) I was laying on my side and felt a tiny kick so I lifted my shirt and just softly put my hand on my stomach and I FELT IT! TWICE! It made me so happy! :)

Food Cravings: Not really anything... at first I hated the thought of cereal and sweets and most anything else really. But now pretty much everything sounds good! but nothing sounds like I just have to have it!!

Food Aversions: nothing now

Sleep: Its been okay, I wake up a lot

Stretch Marks: none. I think its a little early for that still..

Miss Anything?: Being able to run and work out as hard as I can! :)

Looking Forward to?: A cute baby bump! and not just looking like I ate a lot of chocolate. which I do that too.. but I want the bump to hide it!:) & Im excited to feel more movement!

Belly Button in or out?: Def still in

Happy or Moody most of the time?: HAPPY! at least I like to think I am!

New baby items?: None yet! hopefully that changes soon!:) oh wait.. we have some diapers!

Exercise: Trying my best to exercise at least 3 times a week.. elliptical, treadmill, or bike and then light weights!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Were Having a Baby GIRL!!!

We couldn't be more excited to have a little girl!!! She is going to be so much fun! and I know Braydon will be the best daddy ever to her! Im so excited to see how he is with her because I know it will be the cutest thing ever! 
It is so fun to finally know the gender and makes it seem even more real now! I cant wait to start shopping and buying cute little girl things! 

Here are a few of her first of many pictures :)

18 weeks and 1 day
      Her cute little foot... 

Such a lady... her legs are crossed :)

I love the side profile!

Here is a pic of one week earlier, starting to show a little more!

Were Pregnant!!!

It still doesn't seem 100% real! We found out when I was only a little over 4 weeks along, I told Braydon that I had been late by a few days and thats weird for me & most likely I wasn't pregnant but I just had to make sure so that I could stop thinking about it! so that all of the sudden made him concerned so we bought a test right then, I drank a bunch of gatorade and took it. I looked at the test... and nothing. just like i expected. I showed it to Braydon, "see its nothing" and he looked closer, "Nooo i think i can see a really faint line..." I was thinking no im sure its just the lighting or the fact that now its been about 5 minutes. But he was sure it was and all day long he kept yelling "MY WIFE IS PREGNANT!" as we were biking through Moab...  haha great....

I really didn't think I was pregnant and kinda forgot about it until later that night when I was thinking, maybe I am.. maybe the fact that I had just drank so much right before made it not work right. So in the morning we took another one. We both looked at it together and sure enough, PREGNANT! neither of us really knew what to say except for 'oh my gosh, really? are you sure? no way! and hug and smile and we were excited but really nervous!

Here is a pic of me at 8 weeks:) Not showing at all haha

and then a few weeks later we got to go to the Dr's Office and get it confirmed! 

This was so incredible to hear the heart beat and think WOW this is real!!!!!

A few weeks later.... 

We are SO excited!!! :)