Monday, February 2, 2015

7 months old

Dear Mae, 

You are almost 7 months old! Where is the time going!? Days and weeks are going by way too fast! It is so fun to see you learn and grow and change but it is sad that my baby is growing up and changing every single day! Words cannot describe how much I love you little one. Me and your dad had no idea the amount of love and joy you would bring into our lives. You brighten up every single day and make every moment that much more fun. It doesn't matter what we're doing, if your there it's a wonderful time :) 

You have mastered the roll and can roll over like no big deal. When something gets in your way though (like the couch or coffee table) you get pretty distressed, it's cute. You yell and yell until we come save you. You can sit up pretty good too but if you start laughing too much or get too excited, you may fall over! You love grabbing anything your hands can reach. Your favorites are jewelry, strings from jackets and sweatshirts, my hair, and anything else that's new and interesting:) you are trying to master your crawl, and you got up on your hands and knees today (so cute!) your head was down and you looked like you kind of couldn't believe what was happening, you are so cute. 

We love how happy you are. We get a great big smile whenever we smile and talk to you, it really is the best. 

How are we so lucky to be your parents. We love you so much Mae. Thank you for being our sweet baby girl. We are so blessed to have a daughter like you. Xoxoxoxox 

Mom and Dad 

2014 Indoor Outdoor Track Season

I have been meaning to do a post on Braydons last track season for forever now! He had an eventful Indoor and Outdoor season in 2014 so I wanted to make sure that we remember it :) Starting in January the Indoor season began and thanks to my family I was able to go to a lot of his track meets which was so much fun! 

The Highlight of the Indoor track season was the first meet in Albuquerque where Braydon PR'd and cleared 18ft!!! It was seriously so exciting and such a neat moment to witness. Me and my dad and colton drove down and we almost didn't go because earlier that week Braydon had dislocated his shoulder in practice and he wasn't 100% confident that he was going to be able to jump his best. But luckily my dad made a decision last minute and said lets go! so we did and we were SO happy we were there! Braydon has been SOOO close to hitting the 18ft mark for so long now and I would have been so sad if I had missed it. The look on his face and excitement that radiated from him when he cleared that bar was priceless! I loved it! :) 

NCAA Nationals

Braydon was 1 of the 3 athletes on the BYU track team that qualified for Nationals. It was really fun because BYU flew me there too! He did so great and even though he didnt do his very best that day he ended up getting 10th overall! 10th in the Nation for college track! My dad and colton drove down and Steve and Angie also came! It was a good weekend:)